Thursday, May 19, 2005

Star Wars = Fun Wars

Well life is going great. Another post, I believe the second this week. Ever been scarily happy? I am right now. I finally got a job and it is a good one. It has a lot of potential and I want to work there for a year at least since that is the contract. There is potential for it to be a full time gig. Not a lot, but it is still there. I realize that I am in a point of my life where my actions are going to have a huge impact on my future. Aren't times like that scary? Now down to the nitty gritty.

Star Wars
Well I went to see Star Wars today. It was easy to get in. Of course I went during the thursday afternoon. I will write my impressions down. As always I will make them as spoiler free as possible. With this movie there will probably be more spoilers as most people know how it is going to end.

Fantastic Four preview rocked. Mr and Mrs Smith preview was pretty good.

Ok to stars wars. I felt that this movie was very enjoyable. I liked the action. I felt the story plotted well. I didn't think that the love scenes with Padme and Anakin were as bad as some people said. I also thought that Anakins turn to the dark side was not as forced as some people felt. I didn't think it was quick as it has been happening since the first movie. Plus a little more in the cartoons that actually help understand what is happening in the first scene. Ewan McGregor was freaking amazing again. I really bought him in his role. He was awesome. Ian McDiarmid also rocked as the emperor. The rest of the cast did pretty good as well.

The movie was very somber at the end. It kind of had a down feeling. Also I would like to say a great NOOOOOOOOOOOO scene by good old Darth Vader

Well I suggest seeing this movie. I give it a Ya in the Awww to Ewww scale.

Aww to Eww Scale

Explaination of the Aww to Eww scale. This scale is the scale that I think or say when someone asks me if I want to watch the movie or if I liked it.

The first one is Awww. Which of course is very satisfying. "Do you want to watch 12 Monkeys?" "Awww, yea that sounds like a great idea"

The next one is Ya. It is said in the high pich kind of way. Means I like the movie, but I don't love it. "Do you want to watch My Boyfriend's Back?" "Ya, that sounds good."

The middle one is Ehh. You know with the shrugging of the shoulders. "Do you want to watch Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?" This goes to be "Ehh, sure why not" or "Eh, not really". It can either be good or bad.

The next one is Nah. Not the worst movie. I don't really like it, but I don't hate it. "Do you want to watch the non director's cut of Daredevil?" "nah, not really".

The final one of course is Ewww. I hate this movie, why did you ask you bastard. "Do you want to watch Godzilla?" "Ewww I hate that movie, why did you ask that you bastard? They shouldn't call that movie Godzilla they should call it Mathew Broderick featuring Godzilla which is actually nothing like Godzilla but more like a giant lizard"

I hope that clears it up for my future movie reviews.

Random Thought of the Day
Go Sonics.


At 5:28 AM, Blogger Woody! said...

Congrats on the new gig.

I agree, Star Wars was good. It really adds to the legacy and does a great job setting up the original movie.

At 9:50 AM, Blogger K. G. said...

I didn't know you were blogging again. That's cool.

Tim had a sad thought the other day. He said the kids who watch Star Wars now, in the new order, won't be surprised when Vader tells Luke he's his father.


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