Thursday, December 15, 2005

Dating Post 3

It is hard to post everyday. How does woody do it? I don't think I can keep this up. We will see. We will see. Technically I didn't since it is past midnight. I got Feast of the Crows. I have been waiting for the book forever. I miss Arya. Too bad she is barely in it.

This post I just want to touch on a few points about women that I have learned from other people. Things men should think about them.

1. They get hit on a lot. Almost everytime a man talks to them they are being hit on. Think about it if you were hit on everyday. Especially if you were attractive. What would you do to be able to function? Probably create a bitch shield so you can quickly filter out the wuss bags that you are not attracted to. Think about it with your logical male mind.

2. They like the strenght of men. Most women want a man that at some level could take care of them. Even in today's world where a woman could fend for herself she still doesn't want to have to fend for herself and drag you along. How does she figure out of you can handle her let alone handle this harsh world to be able to protect her when she feels vunerable and to protect her young? Well she will have to test you wouldn't she? She will have to play what men think of as silly little games just to drive them crazy. From reading David Deida's book it sounds like biology. How else will she know that the man can protect her and make her feel secure. She can't ask the man, he will lie. She has to figure out somehow.

So basically don't get mad at the tests. Find ways to pass them. There are many books out there that explain this. Such as Way of the Superior Man by David Deida. Don't let them throw you for a loop. She will lose respect for you. Respect is very important in a relationship.

Sorry for making this one so short. I am tired and wish to rest.

Random Thought of the Day

As many times as you can do something that causes you anxiety. That will help build courage.


At 12:42 PM, Blogger K. G. said...

I'm so happy you're blogging again Dupree. I wouldn't have noticed for weeks if Woody didn't link to you. I guess that makes me a bad friend. Anyway, we had talked about a lot of the stuff before, so I didn't miss too much.

I'll probably see you this weekend.


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