Being Sick Sucks
Well I am not exactly full blown sick but sort of sick. I feel fine now. I am taking medicine from work. That is the difference between the 26 year old me and the 18 year old me. I would have to be near death to take medicine. Now I figure my immune system is not as good as it used to be. Stupid growing older. I went to my aunt's house and someone asked me if I had kids and I realized that I am now an age where that question is feasible. I am the perfect age to have kids. Growing old is weird.
A smart kid from kent decieded to see what happens when you heat a lava lamp on a stove. Well the smart kid learned it was a very stupid thing to do. Unfortunally or fortunally if you believe in darwinism, the 24 year old genius is now dead after it exploded.
Mine was nice. I hope yours was too.
Dino Rossi
Won the second recount by 42 votes. 42 FREAKING VOTES!!! That is amazing. Talk about every vote counting. I cannot believe it. It is the closest vote ever. The Democrats are going to ask for a hand recount, which I do not see the point of. Nothing good can come out of it. If the recount shows the other way, then Rossi will ask for a recount and then back and forth until the courts finish it. IMO one recount is enough thank you. Maybe I feel this way because I want Rossi to win. Last thing this state needs is a "Champion" for women's rights. Not saying women's rights are a bad thing. It is just this state has championed women's rights so much that men are losing. I love equality when it is actually equal.
NEW DVDs!!!!!!!
I am pumped. Even though I did not get the Rise and Fall of ECW. I did get My Boyfriend's Back and the Wiz. I can't wait to watch them. Ease on down the road.
Random Thought of the Day
Beards are itchy
Feel the wrath of bold light blue text