Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Being Sick Sucks

Well I am not exactly full blown sick but sort of sick. I feel fine now. I am taking medicine from work. That is the difference between the 26 year old me and the 18 year old me. I would have to be near death to take medicine. Now I figure my immune system is not as good as it used to be. Stupid growing older. I went to my aunt's house and someone asked me if I had kids and I realized that I am now an age where that question is feasible. I am the perfect age to have kids. Growing old is weird.

A smart kid from kent decieded to see what happens when you heat a lava lamp on a stove. Well the smart kid learned it was a very stupid thing to do. Unfortunally or fortunally if you believe in darwinism, the 24 year old genius is now dead after it exploded.

Mine was nice. I hope yours was too.

Dino Rossi
Won the second recount by 42 votes. 42 FREAKING VOTES!!! That is amazing. Talk about every vote counting. I cannot believe it. It is the closest vote ever. The Democrats are going to ask for a hand recount, which I do not see the point of. Nothing good can come out of it. If the recount shows the other way, then Rossi will ask for a recount and then back and forth until the courts finish it. IMO one recount is enough thank you. Maybe I feel this way because I want Rossi to win. Last thing this state needs is a "Champion" for women's rights. Not saying women's rights are a bad thing. It is just this state has championed women's rights so much that men are losing. I love equality when it is actually equal.

NEW DVDs!!!!!!!
I am pumped. Even though I did not get the Rise and Fall of ECW. I did get My Boyfriend's Back and the Wiz. I can't wait to watch them. Ease on down the road.

Random Thought of the Day
Beards are itchy

Feel the wrath of bold light blue text

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Pain. Lots of lots of pain.

Someone asked over the weekend if I had more energy because of Yourself!Fitness. I can honestly say no. I do think they the workouts help and make me feel better about myself. I have seen loss since I have been working out, however what I mostly feel is pain. A lot of pain. Not bad pain mind you. I know pain that feels like I am going to hurt myself. Mostly a lot of little pains and soreness. Especially in the back when I have to do Swims and Supermen. Which is lying on my stomack and raising my arms and feet. Yesterday and the day before she had me do these things where I put one leg on my fitness ball and then lift my butt off the ground. That really feels good in the hamstring. When I say feels good, I mean feels like I want to kill Maya. One of the selling points of this game should be that you can cuss the trainer out as much as you want and she does not feel bad or anything. Man did I cuss at her. Sometimes I really hate Maya. Sometimes I feel like she is a good person because she wants to get me fit. Other times I feel weird because she doesn't exist and I think of her as a person.

Comic Books
Well it seems I was too jumpy about getting Y's the last Man. Since I did not actually get it. I just planned on getting it. Well looking at my comic collection and thinking that if I wait an extra week I will be able to get Spider-Girl, I have decieded to wait. I will be getting a lot of comics, which includes three Spider-Girls. It has been almost 3 full months since I got my last comics. Plus if it is released on time I will also get the first issue of the New Avengers. So it looks like all I will need to do is get Blade of the Immortal and I will be above my $85 needed for free shipping. Oh, how I love Blade of the Immortal.

Real Book
Well I have been writing a real book. It is going really really really really really slow. I want to get it done before I am 40. It is a simple book about a kid getting revenge over the death of his father and learns he is something special, blah blah blah. It will have some twists and turns that only my crazy mind can come up with. However I have figured something out while writing this book. I am a horrible writer. It is going to take a lot of editing to make this book readable to regular people who have a sixth grade education. I would like to write a book so deep that it makes people think the book means things that it can't possibly mean. It would be cool reading a write up about it on how it is a book about society is leading down the wrong path or how I dislike George Bushes policies, blah blah blah. However it will probably be reviewed as "A bunch of decent ideas, horribly written". So sad. So sad. Kerry hasn't even had the heart to tell me how bad it is.

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone who reads this has a happy thanksgiving. To the people who do not read this blog, I hope their thanksgiving sucks and the burn in the firey pits of hell. Jerks, who are too big and too cool to read my stupid blog.

I watched the Incredibles and it was incredible. I still like X-men 2 better and Spider-Man 2 better and Blade better, however it was a very enjoyable movie. I did not feel gay at all watching it. I did watch it by myself. I do not have enough female friends to watch that movie with me. I once did have a girl that tried to get me to watch chick flicks, but I told her the truth and I will probably not be seeing her. Oh well that is life.

Random Thought of the Day
Maybe more people will read this stupid thing if I actually told people I wrote a blog. Nah.

Feel the wrath of HUGE blue text with too many commas at the end,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Stupid Smelly Governor Race

The Amazing Race
Dino Rossi has won the race. By a total of 261 votes. That is right. 261 votes. There will be a recount. In the history of washington no recount has ever changed an election. Also since 1970s only one recount changed over 200 votes. That is amazing to me. In a race that should of been dominated by Christine Gregoire, it looks like she is going to lose. Dino Rossi should be proud even if it turns out he does lose. He took on someone who should of killed him but barely lost. I guess Christine just made too many mistakes during her race.

Mom Shocked over Comic Content

Shocked Mom

"If my child went to school with something like this, they would be suspended or reprimanded," she said. "Ashley doesn't understand what these things mean, and I don't want to explain them to her."

Why are some people parents? Who should explain them to her, her classmates? Sheesh.

Black Panther is coming back

Black Pather is coming back. I loved the Black Panther. I was so sad to see it go. It is being written by the same guy who writes for Bernie Mac. It will be interesting. I am looking for it.

Big Mistake
I did it again. I told a woman the truth. When will I ever learn. Why do women ask questions that they don't want the truth in? I will never know. Never ever ever. I will never understand women.

Random Thought of the Day
I can't wait till it is friday

Feel the wrath of green italic text.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Worst Blogger Ever

I am in pain. Good pain I guess. Yesterday for my Yourself!Fitness workout I had to do flexibility. Flexibility is HARD. My poor back, my poor stomach. I am interested in what I am going to do today. I stayed up late last night beating Def Jam NY. That game is so much fun. Kind of like Bloodrayne 2. Not the greatest games in the world, filled a few flaws, but just tons of fun. Check out Bloodrayne 2. I am in love with Rayne. So hot. So sassy. Great breasts. Well back to my fitness. I did not talk to much about Yourself Fitness during my little review. The problem is when I write things, I get bored. So I cut them short because I want to be done. Plus no one reads it so why should I make it long. Well with yourself fitness there are over 500 exercises. That should be enough to keep anyone from being bored. Even though most of the exercises feel like squats and lunges. Be prepared to love squats and lunges. That was a good intro.

Weight Loss
Well I am trying to lose weight. In my quest I am also trying to do a lot of eating. Well I am not trying but I apperently want to since I eat so much. Well now I am eating cliff bars for lunch. That helps a lot most likely. Well I have lost a pound in the last two months. However I have lost 18 inches off my body. The best was on my chest and my thighs where I lost two inches. Not too much luck on my gut though. However my knees, calves and ankles are bigger. Also my wrists lost a 1/2 inch. How is that possible? I did not think I had fat wrists. Whatever. I was feeling bad about my weight loss since I wasn't losing anything, but I went a club on saturday. Looking for something to wear I decieded to try on a shirt I haven't wore in years. It actually fit. I know for a fact it did not fit in August. So I am feeling better about this.

Dave is finally fired. I know he "resigned" but he was fired. Thank god. I am sick of that guy. He sucked. He was a horrible coach. I was sick of his stupid looks. I was sick of his stupid speeches. I was sick of his stupid keeping Fiedler. Now I know Jay Fiedler will finally be gone. What a horrible quarterback.

Comic Books
I really wanted to get my comic books. I have 69 dollars worth of comic books just waiting for me. Well thinking that I really want them now I deceided to buy a couple of comics to put that above 85 dollars for the free shipping at www.g-mart.com. Well only one of the blade of immortals is available so I couldn't get number 95. So I deceided to get blade of the immortal 94 and Y's the last man first TB. Well I put them in my shopping cart and then I was .02 cents too short for the free shipping. Looks like I am going to have to wait till next week. Hopefully blade of the immortal 95 will be available by then. If you have not read blade of the immortal, read it. It is amazing. Well if you can stomach violence.

Random Thought of the Day
Fingers hurt. Too much video games.

Feel the wrath of text that is a link to nowhere

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I haven't posted FOREVER

Here is a stupid post. Are you happy jerks? I knew none of you are happy because no one here reads it. I realized this is me.

Dupree waiting for people to comment on my blog

Well here I sit. I got Yourself!Fitness. Today is my 10 day thing. Every 10 days you have to do a thing where you gage how much as you improved. It is a pretty good workout. I really think everyone should buy. Maya is really cute.

Def Jam: Fight for NY is a really fun game. You get to outfit your guy in stuff. Plus you get a girlfriend. Probably the closest I will ever get to having a hot asian girlfriend. She is just so hot and asian. It is weird how games have advanced so far that I can be attracted to video game babes and not feel weird about it. Well it is kind of weird but at least they look human and not all blocky.

I was thinking last night how much I used to love a challenge. Now I do not have enough time. I used to play Ninja Gaiden for HOURS. Now if a game is too hard it has to be REALLY fun for me to play it.

One Piece
If you have not read one piece or "downloaded" it, do it now. It is amazing. The story of Luffy trying to become the Pirate King. Going to the Grand Line and finding the One Piece. The anime has over 180 episodes and the manga has a lot of volumes. They are making their way to the US. The American verson that is on TV really sucks. The voices are bad and they do a bad job in translating. They are basically trying to take a show that is not made for children, well american children, and make it ok for children. Basically, this is my favorite anime. I have watched 117 episodes and almost every episode is a really good one. It doesn't feel all drawn out like Dragon Ball Z and it doesn't have as many filler episodes as Naruto. Well if it does they are better done than Naruto.

Random Thought of the Day
Been a while since I posted a post about boobs.

Feel the wrath of normal boring text.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Crappy Posting

First post in a long long time. Just don't really have the heart for it. It would help if I had thousands of fans, yet I am just a slub.

Kind of bummed George Bush won. I hope he is going to do his best. Here in Washington, everything pretty much went how I wanted it. No gambling, no sales tax, soon to be new tax for better roads, no Deborah Senn. Still hopeing for Dino Rossi. This state needs his kind of change.

Dolphins suck
Dolphins won a game. Gives me hope because they looked so good. Then they get killed. I hope they fire Wanny soon. The weird rumor is that Spurrier will be the next coach. I don't know how to feel about that. Depends on if he learned from his old mistakes.

Zatch Bell
I wanted to do a review thing, however I just do not have it in me. So I will do some anime reviews of my favorite animes. Konjiki no Gash is the perfect combination of action and cute. It is basically a teenage action comedy. Well teenage for America, I do not know for Japan. There are some sexual jokes and blood. There is a character who's hit song is chichi wo moge. Which translate to grope the breast. Well chances are in the American version that will probably change that song a little.

Well basically the story is about a very smart kid who no one likes because he is really smart. Who is paired up with a young weird kid who is going to get him out of his funk by his father's wishes. The kid turns out to be a demon in a fight to control the demon world. Each demon has a book, the demon cannot use his power without a human to read the spells. So as you guess there will be a collectable card game that will come over as well. In my opinion, this anime will become the next big thing when it appears in the United States. I suggest you watch it. Especially if you like action and cute.


Comic Books
Ever wondered why you don't do something. I have been borrowing the Exiles and I like it a lot. I don't know why I just don't buy the book. It is one of my favorites.

Blade of the Immortal is amazing. READ this book if you like cool action and violence.

Random Thought of the Day
I need a girlfriend, I really want to watch the Incredibles.

Feel the wrath of orange bold text