Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The worst post ever

Welcome to the worst post ever. Well the magic is gone as it turns out no one reads this thing. Well that was a fun trip while it lasted. I know what I should do, write how crappy my life is and what stupid things women say. That seems like a very popular subject for blogs. They are basically online diaries. Makes sense, go online diaries.

Is anyone else sick of Reality shows? I am beginning to think I am the only person who watches TV to get away from Reality. I am a huge fan of sitcoms. I wish they would comeback. How else am I going to learn I am a big stupid male that can't exist without women telling me what to do?

Go USA, beat SPAIN!! I am disturbed by the American bashing of the basketball team. I think people are just jealous because they are rich.

Random Thought of the Day

Smoking is bad for you. Quit.

Feel the wrath of brown text

Friday, August 20, 2004

Oh My GOD!!

Someone other then my friend Kerry actually read my blog. Who would of thought. Wondering how people found it.

I have a story and a life lesson to the few readers of this horrible horrible horrible comma lacking blog.

I bought tickets to an event through the amazingly over-priced ticketmaster. 7 dollar curitousy charge my ass. In my thriftyness and non trust of the post office; I got the tickets sent to me via e-mail. Then I did the dumbest thing ever. I accidently deleted the tickets. That of course would send the average person into a pannick but not me. Why you ask? I will tell you, it is because I thought I would probably accidently delete them. So I downloaded the tickets to my computer the day I got them, just in case I made such a stupid mistake. The moral of this story is to know thyself. Too many people live their life thinking they are perfect, when of course they are not. Know your weaknesses. Work the best to improve them. For instance, at work, I started to write things down. I have a horrible short term memory. I don't know why I didn't write things down at first. I guess I was too prideful. I guess that is a deadly sin.

I would like to respond to something that was written in my comments. One of the people gave one of those fun comments that women like to give so much. I don't want to actually quote this person, because this is a crappy blog. NO QUOTES!! Well maybe later. The comment was something along the line of, "I thought this guy was really deep, then I got to the part about the boobs and it was 'nope he is just an regular guy'". That kind of bothered me in a sense, because being a "regular guy" isn't a bad thing. At least I do not think it is. I see nothing wrong with loving boobs and appreciating the female form. One thing I have learned in my life that it is impossible to objectify women, because women are already objects. I have had conversations with women about this. In fact my mom believes there will exist a time where porn will not exist. Of course I disagreed with her. A lot of women try to turn it around on me, thinking that it would change my mind how I look at them. In reality it doesn't change it in the slightest. I realize that the way I look is part of who I am. It affects how people react towards me, therefore it affects my personality and the person I am. It is one of the many factors of what makes me, me. Plus if someone doesn't like the way I look, why would I want a relationship with them? That doesn't make a lick of sense to me. She could be the perfect girl, but if she isn't attracted to me, what is the point? I guess she could fall in love with my personality, but it is not that personality that is going to have sex with her.

While I am writing so freaking much, another thing that bothers me is the idea of "It is his/her loss". It doesn't bother me when people say it, it bothers me when people believe it. I say it of course. I say it to make myself feel better, because it stings when I get rejected. In reality I know it isn't their loss because they didn't like me. When I throw away something I do not like, I do not feel lost it. I believe the truth of the matter it is neither person's loss, but both of their gains. Why be with person who you are not attracted to? Why want to be with someone who isn't attracted to you?

Well that is what I think. That is what is in this mind of mine. Take it for what it is worth. All zero of you who is going to actually read this.

Random Thought of the Day

Screw drivers are used for screwing.

Feel the wrath of grey wingdings text.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

First horrible post that is something that makes me angry

Hi Blog people, there is something I hate and I want to vent about it. It is people who use a point that has nothing to do with their arguement. Especially when they are using that point for shock value.

Case in point, in Everett a couple months back a Taboo Video openned up next to a daycare. One of the ladies that was against this stated that they Taboo Video would attract child molesters. This is something that is also used against gay people. That they are also child molesters. When I hear either one I just want to see that person's head explode. I am just so sick of people, who are generally "good christian" folks use child molestation as an arguement against something they don't like that has to do with sex. It is not that I think all good christians are bad, just the ones that use child molestation as an arguement against sex. It is unfortunate that the evil christians are so vocal. There are two things I want to say about this.

1. Child Molestors cannot buy child porn at Taboo Video.
2. Child molestors are more likely to be attracted to the daycare then to the taboo video

I guess 3 things

3. Gay people are not child molestors. Child molestors are not gay.

This is different then from my crappy posts. Here is something. I like boobs. I like them big. There, that is normal.

Random Thought of the Day

When it comes to boobs bigger is better. Unless it is bigger then EE.

Feel the wrath of plain bold text.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Just noticed something

I think I am very boob obsessed. Almost every blog I have written about has something about boobs in them. Well this one does as well. Boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs. Man do I love boobs.

No real big news today. Working, going home, working, going home, working, going home, working, going home, working, going home, working, going home, working, going home. One thing I notice about working and going home is how fast time flys.

I am not moving, but I hate moving. My friend is moving and I am thinking how much I hate it. I hate the packing. I hate the moving of stuff. I hate the cleaning after the moving. I hate the unpacking. I hate it all. I hate the unpacking the most. Mostly because after the cleaning, the moving and the packing, I just want to be done. Guess what? I am not done, I still have to unpack. Those bastards!!! I don't know what bastards, but the bastards who created moving are bastards.

It is funny. I read other people's blogs and they are about things and interesting to read. Mine is about nothing and boring to read. Well maybe not boring, but I didn't want to use uninteresting for the opposite of interesting.

I have voted against using the spell checker. I am sorry, but this blog is not worth good spelling.

Random Thought of the Day

Trees smell good in the winter

Fell the wrath of Large Georgia green text.

Monday, August 16, 2004

First blog of a new week. This blog sucks.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

Aww Mr. Bush, you are a very smart man.

Welcome to the first blog in almost a week. A lot has happenned in this week. First preseason football. Which kicks butt. I miss football so much that I watched an entire preseason game. Preseason games are so boring unless you really love the team. It is weird seeing a lot of people who are living their dreams. Well most of them only have two weeks left in their dream.

I am trying to think of something funny to talk about. It is hard, because I want to be able to look back at this blog and laugh, however I am finding that hard. At least I have my misuse of commas.

To top it all off, I had something, that, I , really, wanted to blog about however I forgot. That reminds me of my walk home on thursday. I was walking home, having one of those fun conversations in my head. You know the ones, where you think about life and trying to figure something out and junk? Well the most normal thing happened. I saw a nice pair of boobs and totally lost my train of thought. I lost it so much that I can't even remember what problem in society I was solving in my head. It is amazing how much power women have over me. Just two pair of boobs just really impairs my way of thinking. It should be against the law for women with nice racks to be outside, because they will cause men to drive impaired.

Random Thought of the Day

Breasts. Breasts. Breasts. Boing.

if you know where that quote is from, bonus points to you my anime loving friend.

Feel the wrath of HUGE light blue text.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Worst Post to Date

What am I going to talk to no one today? I think I already finished going through everything I have thought of.

I am still sick. I hate being sick. I hate this feeling. I hate not being sick enough to go home and stay home. Also hate not having sick days.

I am a Leykis listener. I say that because today they had a topic that was really scary. It was about people who felt so trapped in their relationship that they actually considered offing their girlfriend/wife. I hope I can avoid the situation these guys got themselves in. Women have the ability to totally screw up a man's life. I hope I don't get so drunk and have sex with a woman who is willing to have a baby with a one night stand. So many things to worry about in life.

Sorry for today's crappy post. My head is so stuffy.

Random Thought of the Day

Dogs are better then cats.

Feel the wrath of green text.

Monday, August 09, 2004

First post of the New week

Hey nobody or kerry, How is everyone in blogland. I am feeling sick. Being sick really sucks. The weird part about being sick is that you kind of forget how it feels to be not sick. I can't think of a time where my throat didn't hurt.

My Dolphins are going to suck. The part of me that like's football is really sad right now. I don't know how to get excited for the year. This is the first time since I have been a fan where I know the Dolphins really do not have much chance of a Superbowl. I have to talk to Seahawk fans to get to know how to get ready for this season.

Why is the new capitalized? What as I thinking?

Went to a party on saturday. Man did I get drunk. It has been so long since I have been that drunk. So drunk there are things I did that I don't remember. Hopefully they aren't that bad. I don't like getting that drunk usually, because I like to remember what I did. How much fun can it be if I don't remember? Well I believe that people are a collection of memories. What is the point of having fun if you don't remember it? None, that is the answer.

It is amazing. I am writing and no one is reading. I am an odd person.

Random Thought of the Day

Birds fly south for the winter.

Feel the wrath of Orange text.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Stupid Post Wedding Day

Well I guess not every post can be crappy. Yesterday I went to a friend's wedding. It was so weird seeing someone I knew for so long getting married. It was weird giving a toast at my friend's wedding. That part was hard because I wanted to sound all profound and wise and all that stuff. Well I think I did a good job of not sounding like an idiot. Isn't life weird. How time flies and stuff like that. Sorry, I like the word stuff and junk. Kids are the worst. They grow up so fast and become people and junk. Stupid not becoming immortal.

David Boston is out for the season. This is the first season since I have become a coherent Dolphin fan that I am dreading the upcoming season. I love football, however it is hard to get excited when so much bad news comes out of Miami. The football gods are so cruel to the Dolphins this year. Just when I was over Ricky's cowardly retirement and getting excited for the season again.

Man it still cracks me up. Here I am writing this and there isn't anyone reading it. Well if I die tomorrow I will have proof I existed on this earth. Well not really. Anyone could be writing this crap. It isn't like my password is that hard to crack. Stupid non-secure internet.

Random Thought of the Day

I love boobs. Especially when they are nice and big. Biiiiggggg, boooobbbiieess.

Feel the wrath of tiny grey text.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Crappy Breaking News

Rick James has died. I do realize that no one reads this blog, so I am breaking this news to no one. It is still sad to see him go. It is sad when anyone famous dies. Why couldn't someone I never heard of kicked the bucket. Well chances are a bunch of people I never heard of kicked the bucket. Huh, that doesn't make me feel more sad.

Oh my god. I just noticed this thing has a spell checker. Man why didn't I see that before? Sometimes I feel so stupid. Now you don't have to suffer through my misspellings. All zero of you out there who gives a crap about my thoughts.

In more important news then the spell checker and the death of someone who didn't care that I was alive is the fact that I just ate Reeses Pieces with Peanuts. That is nut flavored stuff on nuts. That is so crazy. I can't believe I just ate something that just shouldn't exist. Well no holes openned in time space, so I guess they weren't that dangerous. That is like M & M filled with chocolate. I guess different chocolate.

Random Thought of the Breaking News

She was a very freaky girl; the kind you don't take home to mother

Feel the wrath of breaking news yellow text.

3rd crappiest post EVER

Welcome to the worst post since yesterday's post.

Today a friend is getting married. That is so weird. Growing up and all that fun stuff. Next time I see him, he will be party of her and she will be a part of him. Plus I am not only talking about honeymoon, I am taking about serious stuff. What is weird about life is how wrong I was when I was a kid. What is even weirder is what I was right about. Here is the list of things I have learned.

1. Nice guys really do finish last
2. The only thing that actually feels older as I get older is my knees
3. 16 year olds are just as attractive when I was 12, when I was 16 and now. They are still not worth being a sex offender
4. Sex is the most over rated thing in the history of things. Yet I still want it every second of everyday
5. Women can do horrible things to my brain and make me do things and act ways I don't want to.
6. I am responsible for my success
7. Comedians are so right about women. Who would of thought?
8. If you want advice on women Kerry is the only woman you can ask, the rest are the enemy
9. If women want advice on men make sure the guy doesn't want to nail you.
10. If you are a woman 99% of all guys want to nail you.
11. The worst part of the real world is the lack of time.
12. Parents are humans just like me.
13. Teachers are human, just not like me.
14. There actually shouldn't be anything embarrassing about masturbation or buying condoms or tampons. Yet there is.

Well that is all I will write for now. Since I have told no one about this blog, chances are no one is reading it. How sad. That is ok, I enjoy wasting my time like I enjoy wasting my money. Boy do I love to waste my money.

Random Thought of the Day

Video games are fun.

Feel the wrath of red courier text.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

2nd crappiest post ever

My grandma used to be a good cook. Now she is a healthy cook. Now instead of cow milk she uses soy milk. Plus there is no longer beef in her stroganoff. It is a sad day. I no longer have grandma's cooking to look forward to when I visit. I will miss the popovers. Man everyone should have popovers made from love.

Tomorrow the Dolphins are going to scrimmage against the Texans. I finally get to see how well the line is doing. Plus it is good to see how well rookies do when they are going against other people's rookies. Bua and Pope are blowing things up. Who would of thought? I thought they would be another Brian Manning.

Random thought of the day:

Working out sucks. Losing weight is hard.

Thanks for reading my stupid thoughts.

Feel the wrath of kind of light purple bold text

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

First Crappy Blog

This is my first crappy blog. It may be my last crappy blog. I don't know what to write. I am not going to tell you how my life sucks. Maybe I will just ramble for months. Sounds like a good time. Be ready for many misspellings and horrible grammer. I hope you hate this blog as much as I will hate writing it. Feel the wrath of blue text.