Friday, February 25, 2005

Another stupid post for this stupid week

Hurray my comics came today. The worst part about getting comics every three months is the day after I finish reading the comics and realize that I am going to have to wait another three months.

Spider-girl. Roxored my soxors.

Marvel Knights Spider-Man. Should be the only spider-man comic out there. I should just quit spectacular and amazing. More crap that good stuff.

New Avengers. Interesting. Going well.

Ultimate Spiderman. The strange parts were "Ehh", but returned to excellent with the first hobgoblin comic.

Ulitmate X-Men. Bon Bon Ville, they are the good life.

Ultimates. More like Ulitmate trial of the Hulk. More like pretty good comic once again.

Hellsing. What can I say, very fun to read. Hellsing is a bad ass. So much blood. I never read anything where the hero is just so buff. He puts Super-Man to shame. Well maybe not, but only one guy came close to inflicting real damage on him and I still don't know if he just let him to get Celas to drink his blood.

That is all I read so far. I don't have numbers or anything. The comics are all on my couch. You know how far that is? I am really looking forward to Bullseye and the Thunderbolts. I am doing better in my comic purchasing. Right now there are only three comics that I am not looking forward to reading and that is Spiderman India, Ulitmate Elektra and Ulitmate Nightmare. Maybe I shouldn't get all Ultimate series. Plus I got those and didn't get ULtimate Fantstic Four which is supposed to be pretty good.


Just heard for the jerks from penny-arcade that MC Chris is going to be in the hizous for the event. I am very excited about that move. MC Pee Pants is going to be at Penny Arcade Expo. Hopefully he will play the favorites, Fett's Vett and Geek. Well they are my favorites at least. I do like Hijack and White Kids Love Hip Hop. Oh happy day.

Random Thought of the Day
Ninja Gaiden is as hard as it is tough. Remember that.

Feel the wrath of being sliced open like a Taun-Taun, faster than the autobahn or a motorbike in Tron in blue text.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005



The Miami Dolphins have released Jay Fiedler. Oh happy day. I have been waiting for this day for years. I thought it was going to happen last year, but it didn't. And now finally the day is here where I can say. "FREE AT LAST FREE AT LAST, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY, Jay Fiedler is not a Miami Dolphin.

To quote myself.

Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God!!

Today will forever be known in this household as Christmas II. The day when I got the present of Jay Fiedler no longer being a Dolphin. He freedom ring. Let the angels sing. Let God himself smile for the first time in 5 long years. I used to doubt there was a higher power, until this day. I am a born again. I love the world again. It is brighter. The sun is shinier. Life is good.

Sometimes I wonder why I do not talk more football on here. Probably because I talk about it all the time on finheaven. I get all my rants and raves about the football world on that arena. This I have to share with all my blog friends. I haven't felt this happy in a long time.

Welcome from Outer Space

Did I spell Outer right? I swear I cannot spell if I was the last man on earth. At least if I was the last man on earth I could spell any way I freaking please. Who is going to say different? That is what I thought.

Well I haven't written since I became unemployeed. Which you would think differently. But that is what you get for thinking. We learned something, haven't we.

Red Versus Blue = Funny
Real Life Versus the Internet If you want to laugh, click on this link. I watched it five times already. I laughed hard every time. Sometimes I wish I could erase my mind so I can get back the virgin laughter. Laughter the only time losing your virginity does suck.

Zatch Bell

Click Here!!! Here is the promo for one of my favorite animes coming to Cartoon Network. One of the plusses I see is that it is on at 9:30 which means it might not be as edited as I thought it would be. Still they did add pants to Gash, but that is ok. It is not like I enjoyed seeing his little pecker. Just wondering if they are going to have the poop joke in the first episode and everyone's favorite song, chi chi wo moge in the 11th episode. Watch the 11th episode to see if they have the song. If they do, you will laugh as that episode is really funny. Zatch Bell, the perfect combination of action and cute. It is also pretty funny. It will also make Kerry cry.

Transforming Debt Into Wealth - John Cummuta

A friend of mine lent me this CD set and I have found it to be very interesting. Basically it told me how I was wrong for a lot of my life and how bad debt is. It put it in numbers that helped my logical mind understand. The biggest number is, every dollar I am not putting away is about 350 dollars I will not have for my retirement. What that does is make sure you spend your dollars well and on things you really want. So lets get to some of the points from this CD set. I wish I had the work book I might buy them.

1. Take responsibility for your life. 100% responsibility. When you take responsibility, you have response ability.

2. Take an amount you can afford. He says shoot for at least 10% of your monthly income. Take that money and put it to one of your debts and pay the minimum of the rest of your debts. Then when that debt is finished, take the money and move it to the next debt, plus the minimum from the last debt and the minimum of the current debt. Then add that money to the minumum of the next debt and in no time you will debt free. Makes perfect sense. I came up with that plan once, just didn't follow through. It is a good way to pay off the morgage as well.

3. Use Cash. Cut up your credit cards. All credit does is make the creditors rich. If you cannot buy it cash you cannot afford it. What putting things on credit does is make compound interest work against you. He used 600 dollars which took this one family 9 years to pay off and it turned into them paying 2000 dollars. Make compound interest work with you rather than against you

4. Get out of the monthly payment mindset. One thing that is taught in this country by the creditors is the fact that you can afford something with easy monthly payments. What easy monthly payments do is make the creditors rich. He used an example of this lady at one of his conventions. She was happy that she was paid 25,000 dollars for her new car. He asked her if she would of paid 29,000 dollars for the car. She said no she would not. Well then he asked her how much she was paying and for how long. She answered 600 dollars a month for 48 months. He of course broke that down to she is going to pay over 29,000 dollars for this car. That is 4,000 dollars that she could of invested. That is 4,000 dollars that she was going to pay for not waiting. That sounds like a lot of money to me. Monthly payments mean less money for me and more for the creditors.

5. Save money. Buy things you need and not want. Control your impulse buying. If you really want something, wait a couple of days before buying it. Make sure it is something you are actualling going to use.
a. Do not keep up with the Jones. The Jones are going broke and into debt. They will be eating catfood on crackers when they retire if they do not save up. In the book Millionaire Next Door, they did a survey of millionaires. They discovered that 70% of millionaires drove 3 to 4 year old American cars. You do not need to look like a millionaire to be a millionaire. Most people who look like Millionaires are actually renting that life.
b. Never buy a new car. He bought a gold caddie. He realized he bought the caddie for one wow from each friend. After that it was just John's car. Do not use the car as a status symbol. It does not make you sexier, it does not make you more successful. It just gets you from point a to point b. Use the fact that a lot of people give up perfectly good cars in 3 years. They are much cheaper and pretty reliable.
c. Buy from outlet stores and clothes that look nice but are out of season or just went out of style. Make sure they are base colors so you won't look like a fool.
d. Clip coupons. Search for them over the internet. With coupons you could save 10% on each shopping trip. This is extra important if you have kids, becuase feeding them is expensive.

6. Own your life and not rent your life. He developed this system because he was living the big life in the 80s. He had nice car, nice house, nice boat, nice airplane, nice clothes, nice jewelry for the wife, nice everything. Then his business went belly up over night. He lost everything as his creditors still wanted money for his car, his house, his boat, his airplane and he did not have any money left. He worked hard to keep the house. Studies have shown that I think it was 80% of Americans were 2 months away from being homeless. Like me :). They are not living their lifestyle, they are renting it.

Well I have forgoten the rest of it. The CDs are about 80 bucks if you buy them at his website . I thought it was good as it broke a lot of things down in ways I wish were broken down to me when I was younger. I heard of the problems with debt, but no one really taught me with numbers. Well I am going to give it a shot. A bigger shot when I actually get a job.

Why aren't you watching this show?

Not a bad show.

Random Thought of the Day
Living without cable is easier than I thought it would be.

Feel the wrath of a bandit stealing time, with red text.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Best/Worst Villan ever

Here is a fun break from my stupid blogging. You will not read my stupid thoughts on various things in life, especially this stupid life that I live. There is something that I have thought of. What makes a good villan. There is many things I believe that creates a cool villan. It is hard to think of them all, so decieded to think of the first five of the best and the worst villians I have seen in my life. I thought to myself if something was one of the best it would be on the top of my brain. So here it is. I will start with the best villans and then write the worst. You will see why.

6th Best Villan
Here is a guy that was hated from the Back to the Future movies. Biff. Have you met anyone in your life that actually liked this guy? He was a bully who only picked on the weak. What is there to like about that? He was a waste of a human being. I do not think there was one person in the theatre that felt sorry for him when he was covered in manure. That is really good for a villan. However his fatal flaw was he just wasn't bad enough for me to want him to die.

5th Best Villan
Star Scream from the Transformers. Who likes this bootlick. Heck I bet the theatre erupted when he finally met his end in the movie. That whiney voice that just grated on your nerves. The fact that he was a coward and did not have one shred of honor. You had to wonder why Megatron kept this guy around. He was incompetent, annoying and always tried to take over. Such a great villan again as I do not know anyone who liked him. It was rare growing up for someone to have the red plane. Everyone had the black plane or the blue plane even though no one knew the name of the blue plane :).

4th Best Villan
I have to go the anime route for the next two. There is an anime called Now and then, here and there Now and then, here and there. This is a really good anime. It is very depressing but very satisfying to watch. One of the reasons this one is so satisfying to watch is the death of King Hamdo. This guy is also a whiny bastard. You have no idea how this guy could lead a group of children to eat cake at a birthday party. He cares little for anyone except himself and again, he is a coward. How can you like a coward with power? Watching this guy die was so satisfying. I am sure if you watched Now and then, here and there you would feel like cheering when this jerk finally meets his end.

3rd Best Villan
One of the problems with anime is that most people do not watch it. If they did, this woman would be number one. She died in a way that is kind of disturbing to American audiences who has learned how evil violence against women is, however even Gloria Steinem would celebrate this witches death. The name of the anime, which is awesome, is Last Exile. The name of the character is Queen Delphine. Never have I had been so happy to see someone to die before they were going to die anyways. She cared little for anyone, including her own little brother. She ate extravegent foods as the peasants starved. She held a weird power over everyone so it wasn't like she was in charge because she was good at it. It was just the weird way her society worked so it wasn't even like she earned it. Just like a person who was born into power and can do anything they want and never learn compassion, she didn't have any. She enjoys other people's pain. She is the reason I believe that a woman can easily be the best villan of all time. I never hated anyone more than Queen Delphine. There is nothing to like about her.

2nd Best Villan
This guy part of a movie that was very popular. It is my opinion that one reason this decent movie was so popular was the fact that this guy was impossible to like. The movie was Gladiator, the villan was Commodus. The guy who raped a family member. The guy who wants everyone to love him so much that he casts out the greatest general and kills his family just because his father favored him. Through out the movie I know you were waiting for this guy to get his at the end. I know I was. I was so happy to see this jerk die. So weasily, so pathetic, so cowardly. Such a good villan.

You can probably guess who the best villan ever is. Come on try. I know you can do it. This guy has all of the makings of the perfect hated villan. He is very cowardly, he is very weak, he is a major jerk, the only reason he is never shown being too evil is the fact that he was on a saturday morning cartoon. He is a guy you wonder how in the hell anyone follows him. He is a worthless excuse for a human being who would sacrifice his organization's success just because he wouldn't get the credit. You are right, that guy is Cobra Commander. Is there anything to like about this guy? The answer is no. He ruins the coolest plans I have ever seen with this stupidity and foolish pride. He is a bumbling off who is hard to imagine him conquering a bowl of jello let alone the entire world. How can you not just hate Cobra Commander? I hate him and I love Cobra.

5th Worst Villan
This guy is jerk. This guy is evil. This guy rocks. The movie Titus is based on a shakesphere play. In this play there is a character named Aaron. Who's heart is as black as his face. The quotes this man has sends chills down my spine. How can you not like someone who's last words are "If one good deed in all my life I did, I do repent it from my very soul."? See I believe that a good villan has to be hated. I felt bad when Aaron died. He was an evil person. Anyone who kills someone grandma, digs them up the day after the funneral and hangs them on the people's door is pretty evil. However he sticks to his guns. He has good quotes. He is evilly honorable. He is funny.

4th Worst Villan
Was I the only guy who wanted the Thundercats to be destroyed on Third Earth? Yes you guess it folks, Mumm-Ra the Ever-living. This guy was awesome. First he was weak looking and still really powerful, then he did this spell thing and became really buff. Always had good plans, very intelligent, a total bad ass. This guy was awesome. I guess it didn't help that the Thundercats were so lame in comparison. I knew he would never win due to the fact that it was a morning cartoon, yet I still hoped and prayed he would win. When making a good villan never make him cooler than the good guys.

3rd Worst Villan
Growing up I had GI Joes. Well actually I should say I had Cobras with a few GI Joes. I liked Cobra much better as a child. They were awesome. They were better colors, their vehicles looked cooler, their clothes were better and their characters were interesting. There is one person who unfortunately I did not have, but was just complete awesome. No it is not Storm Shadow, but that is a great guess. He was awesome. The answer is Destro. That guy was awesome. You had to feel sorry for him that he was saddled with the incompetitant boob Cobra Commander. Heck he is so cool, they gave him his own force eventually. This guy was smart. He was strong. He looked really cool. He had an awesome suit. He had the love of the Barroness, who was also awesome. A female who was a bad ass but did not lose the feminine quality that men love in their women. I have yet to meet anyone who disliked Destro. You cannot feel sorry for the villan.

2nd Worst Villan
I pick this guy because it was so frustrating seeing him lose week after week. It was frustrating in the movie, and I bet it would be frustrating in the comic book. That guy is Shredder. He had an awesome suit. He was just a complete badass. I wanted him to turn the turtles into turtle soup every week. I alway wondered how the Turtles would even come close to this guy who has been training in martial arts longer than the turtles have been alive. It got to the point where I started to hate the show because I was so sick of seeing Shredder losing. One of the problems in trying to create the greatest bad guy. I should want him to lose.

1st Worst Villan
This should be easier to guess than the best villan. Just think of the guy who everyone loves. He is evil. He is bad. He is loved by almost everyone. If I had a contest where the first person to guess who this person is would win a coke, the first person who e-mailed me would win a coke. Since no one reads this, the contest would go on forever. So eff the contest the worst villan of all time is Darth Vader. This guy is awesome. Heck he made breathing cool. BREATHING!!!!!! He has the force, everyone wants the force. I know I am not the only person who wanted to force choke someone who pissed me off, well Darth Vader can and he does. His all black suit is by far one of the coolest created in the 70s. In fact this character is almost 30 years old and he is still going strong as everyone's favorite villan. How can a villan be favorite? I know he turned good at the end, but I know I wasn't the only person disappointed. "Kill the emperor and turn Luke evil and rule the universe" is what I was hoping for. I knew it wasn't going to happen because of the whole good versus evil thing.

Well there is my list. I am curious to see yours. As you tell by my lists I believe that a good villan is someone that you hate. Someone that you just want to see die. You shouldn't feel sorry for him when he loses. I know there are a lot I have left off both lists, Doc Ock, Venom, Kingpin, Bullseye, the guy from the 5th element with the wierd hair, Zeks Marquis, the forsaken, Cersei, etc... Almost should make a new list, especially for Cersei, man do I hate her. Actually she is part of the grey since she is just selfish. Anyways there it is. I hope you are finally entertained.

Random thought of the day
Remember when were driving, driving in your car, speeds so fast, it felt like I was drunk?

Feel the wrath of feeling you can be someone.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Best Post EVER!!!

Welcome to the greatest post in the history of all posts. Being negative about this crappy log didn't help me get any comments. Well begging probably wouldn't help either. One in the entire year. I guess I am just not thought provoking.

Miami Dolphins
Wow, they have signed so many coaches. They have spent so much money. They have the highest paid coaches in NFL history. I hope that equals wins. Looks like Patrick Surtain is going to be on another team next year. That is so sad. I am such a Surtain fan. Well it was bound to happen someday. Still it will be sad to see such an amazing defense be broken apart. They didn't win anything. It is going to be an interesting offseason.

Way of the Superior Man
The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida is an interesting book I have read. Here is part of the book taken from his website.

"Keeping your word" is a masculine trait, in men or women. A person with a feminine essence may not keep her word, yet it is not exactly "lying." In the feminine reality, words and facts take a second place to emotions and the shifting moods of relationship. When she says, "I hate you," or "I'll never move to Texas," or "I don't want to go to the movies," it is often more a reflection of a transient feeling-wave than a well considered stance with respect to events and experience. On the other hand, the masculine means what it says. A man's word is his honor. The feminine says what it feels. A woman's word is her true expression in the moment.
When you listen to your woman, listen to her as you would the ocean, or the wind in the leaves. The sounds you hear from her are sounds of the motion of her feeling-energy. Of course, there are times when she speaks in the masculine style of meaning exactly what she says, but more often, and almost always in emotional moments, what she says is the sound of her feelings. Her feminine speech is far more like poetry than like a clearcut agenda for action. In an emotional moment, what she says she is going to do is actually an expression of what she feels like doing in the moment. Her feelings, and therefore what she is actually going to do, could change in five minutes. It could change every five minutes.
Whenever you are surprised by your woman's actions, and you say to her, "But you said…," you are forgetting that she has a feminine essence. What your woman says is like a cloud passing in the sky: well-formed, coherent, and unrecognizable moments later. The cloud is an expression of the precise physics of water, wind, and air. Your woman's words are expressions of the physics of her feelings, your relationship, and the nuances of the present situation, seen and unseen. A moment later, these factors will change, and so will your woman's expressions.
You might ask her, "Do you want to go to the movies?"
She might reply, "Not really."
Then you hug her and spin her around and say, "Let's go to the movies!"
And she says, "Ok!"
She is not talking about her desire to go to the movies. She is talking about the feeling of your relationship in the present moment. If after she said she didn't want to go to the movies, you said fine and sat down to watch tv, you would be missing the point. She is not really saying she doesn't want to go to the movies, even though that is what she's saying.
This is not lying. For a man, or for anyone speaking in the masculine style, to say something that is not true is lying. But, for the feminine, truth is a thin concept compared to the thickness of her flow of feelings. The "truth" of the feminine is whatever she is really feeling, in this present moment.
So, when she says that she wants to move to Pittsburgh with you, and then, after you have sold the house, she says she doesn't want to move with you, don't start yelling, "But you said…!" When she first told you she wanted to move, she was feeling good about the relationship. When she then told you she doesn't want to move, she was feeling bad about the relationship. Instead of arguing about what she said or didn't say, establish love in the intimacy first.
The basic rule is this: Don't believe the literal content of what your woman says unless love is flowing deeply and fully in the moment when she says it. And even then, know that she is probably talking about her current feelings, not necessarily about the subject of whatever she is talking about. Never base your plans on what a woman says she wants to do, unless she is in the full flow of love when she says it. And then, expect her to change her mind at any moment when her feelings change. Remember that a woman's feelings may be more sensitive to an unseen realm of nature than are yours. Try to differentiate between your woman's shifting moods and her sensitive wisdom.
Women are not liars, although they often seem that way to men. This is why a man must ultimately be responsible for making his own decisions, based on the deepest truth he can fathom. Otherwise, if he bends his course of truth to compromise for his woman's current and changing expressions, he will probably end up blaming her.
You should hear what your woman has to say and feel her depth carefully. Then, after you have fully considered her input, make your best possible decision from your own deep core. This way, if your woman subsequently changes her mind, you won't resent her for compromising your path. Rather, you can enjoy her subtle sensitivity and changing emotional weather patterns. You can proceed with or modify your actions in full gear, knowing you are always making the best choice available to you, having taken her depth of wisdom--and her fluctuations of expression and mood--wholly into account.

Well if you take that you pretty much get what most of the book says. It does make a lot of sense and gave me plenty of things to think about. Especially on the above part taken from the book. I have noticed that femine women are a lot more emotional than men.

See this book is about teaching the men about dealing with the feminine and what exactly it takes to be a good man for the feminine. A lot of people are probably put off thinking this book is about how men are better than women. It isn't about that, it is about how a man can become a better man, especially to a feminine woman. One thing I have figured out in my life is the fact that I am really attracted to feminine women. I did not know but looking back a vast majority of the crushes I have had were on women that were very feminine. It would also explain why I do not find intelligence important at all. I don't want a complete fool, but a smart woman is generally more masculine. I also have found in my life the smarter the woman the increase of a chance that she is a bitch. I do not like bitches. Some men do, I like women nice. Well enough about me.

This book is mostly about the idea of sexual polarity. That for a good relationship, especially sexually, polarity is what is need. It is like a magnet, how north and north repel, so does the masculine and the masculine or the feminine and the feminine.

The book also states that during the 50s and so that men were all spine. Which caused a huge backlash in the feminine community causing the feminist movement. However the movement changed men so that they are all heart. That men today have forgotten how to be men. Which is a complaint you hear from women these days. David believes that men need to be a good combination of spine and heart. Not totally heartless like the men of the 50s and not totally spineless like the men of the 70s to today.

There are a lot of interesting ideas of this book. The idea that women do not like it if they are the center of your world. They enjoy it when they are important, but what really turns them on is when a man devotes his life to his passion whatever that may be. Which would explain why women love musicians, artists, and all other people who have passions.

It also states about the importance of quality time instead of quanity. That the feminine wants to feel important which is one of the reason she always interrupts football with her problems. She wants to feel she is more important than the TV, especially if your favorite show is on. However that also means she will bother you when you are trying to get your work done. The ultimate way around this is to set up sometime that is just for her and that will be enough to satisfy her.

Tom Leykis states that women are dream killers. That you shouldn't get into a relationship till you fufil your dreams. Well David explains this phenomenon in a different perspective. States that women are not exactly dream killers, but they test you and your dream over and over again. That almost women feel that it is their job to test their man to make sure he can handle the rigors of life. (I would also like to states that I am using man and women instead of feminine and masculine because it is shorter. David does state that this works for gay couples and relationships where the woman is masculine and the man is the feminine).

To go more into the idea of testing, it states that women tests men all of the time. Which is something I have noticed and find really annoying. It looks like since I am attracted to feminine women that it is something that I am just going to have to deal with. I remember my mom telling me a story of her testing my father to see if he would become physical with her, I thought it was horrible at the time. Now I know it is just what women do. Well the idea of testing is the woman wants to make sure that this man can handle life and support her. If she could break him down, how can the world not break him down? The story that David presents to illustrate this (just in case kids read this I am using bacon if you know what I mean), is this story about a man and a woman in the forest. Well there is a "pan" and the man and the woman start to make some bacon. The man is going through this buddist thing where he never finishes making the bacon and eats it kind of raw ("wink wink"). While making the bacon, she begs him finish the bacon, she wants her bacon nice and crispy ("wink wink"). Well the man gives into the woman and makes the bacon crispy ("wink wink"). Well this actually disappoints the woman as she was just testing him to see if he would stick to his guns and make it raw ("wink wink"). This of course makes women VERY confusing.

The excerpt(sp?) from the book was also something I found interesting. As a man when I say something generally it is what I mean. If I do not want to see a movie, I say I do not want to see it. If the woman changes my mind it is not because I want to see the movie, it is because I either want her to cook some bacon or to make her happy. While that part of the book suggests that the woman actually changes her mind depending on her mood. The freaky part about this being a man of course is that her mood changes from moment to moment. That is disturbing to me because I do not understand how women handle being so gosh darn emotional. I guess women do not under how men cannot be so emotional. That is something I have always believe was a problem with the sexes. Women like to think that men think like them and men like to think women think like men. We do not think alike.

Another thing that I got from it is that to not lie to the woman that you are in a serious relationship with. That women are very much into trust. That if she asks you to clean the garage and you say you are going to clean the garage, you better clean the garage. It is not the action that is important to her, it is the fact that you said you were going to do it and you did not do it. This puts doubt in her mind to even make her think that you might be cheating on her. If you lied about cleaning the garage, maybe you lied that you were last night. Even though me as the man would think, it is just the freaking garage, it can wait till tomorrow.

The book also states things about being a man. Like following your dreams and putting them as the number one priority in your life. That as a man I should be living on the edge so I can be successful.

There is one thing I totally disagree with 100%. It states that I should always eat my bacon raw ("wink wink"). That if I make my bacon crispy ("wink wink") that the woman feels like she can control your ability to make bacon("I know I am streaching it"). That actually makes it so actually loses respect for you and you deminish yourself as a man. That you lose part of your edge if you eat crispy bacon ("wink wink"). He even suggests recipies and techniques to make it so your bacon can be raw ("wink wink") and you still be satisfied. I just cannot think this is good. For one I like my bacon crispy. The other thing is that I have read that eating crispy bacon at least 3 times a week reduces prostate cancer 30%.

So there is my review of The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida. Basically I thought it was an interesting book that gave me a lot of different perspectives about men and women and the relationships that forge between them. One thing I do believe in life is that you need to get many perspectives in life. There is nothing I lose respect for is a person who just discounts an idea with out truely thinking about it and exploring it. So before you discount this as mumbo jumbo gobblity gook, or female bashing *shakes head*, give it a try. It might just help you out in your relationships.

One more thing. Scrubs is the greatest show on TV. It is so funny. It makes me laugh out loud as many times as Titus did. Man do I mis Titus. It seems like all my favorite shows get cancelled. I hope Scrubs never gets cancelled, because it is so funny. It is on Tuesday at 9. Really it should be on thursday at 9 and the highest rated sitcom because to me it is that freaking funny. I don't see how anyone cannot like this show.

Random Thought of the Day
Isn't it funny how Futurama is just as funny the 12th time as it was the first.

"I will build my own theme park with hookers and black jack" -Bender

Feel the wrath of losing interest in writing these feel the wrath statements. There are only so many colors. So I guess this one will be blue.