Sometimes I think the titles should fit the blog. Other times I do not care. Take that blog life. Stupid bloggers. I hate them all. Well on with my blog.
Comic Book FunI love comic books. I get them from I love to read them. I get the about once every three months. This has both positives and negatives. One of the negatives is that shipping sucks, waiting sucks, well those are it. The positives is it is cheaper I guess and instant gratification. When you read comic books monthly, you wait monthly. However if you have 3 of the same title comic, there is no waiting between those three comics. Almost like you are reading one big comic every three months. Well since I am bored and have nothing better to do, here is my quick comic book reviews
Spider-Girl 84-86Rocks again. Every story is nice and self contained. Spider-Girl is like the Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger at Jack in the Box. It is delicous and when you are done you are satisfied. If you are a vegitarian, think of some gross vegitarian dish that you find delicous and statisfying. Doubt that you can, but that is a different story. These three comics have the ending fight with Venom, Peter Parker watching his daughter in action, and a little fun with the children of the Fantasic Four. Stupid cliff hanger. Number 84 has a surprise that will complicate Spider-Girl's life. I am wondering how it will turn out. Due to the great sales of the Graphic Novel, this series is safe till it reaches 100. Go Spider-Girl!!!
Ultimate Spider-Man 73-77This is pretty much the entire Hobgoblin story. It was pretty good. I enjoyed reading it. This version of Peter Parker is really feeling the weight of being Spider-Man. It is starting to make him crack now that it is getting really personal. Always worried about lives. These are fine comic books and deserve to be read by everyone who enjoys a good story. Fury is a jerk.
Ultimates 4-5Things get interesting in the Thor saga. Is he a thunder god or is he just crazy? That question is not answered. However there is some cool action with the guys trying to take him down. Are they successful? Did I ruin too much? Read the comics to find out. I enjoyed these as well.
Marvel Knights Spider-Man 12-14MK Spider-Man 1-12 are how all Spider-Men should be written. Writer Mark Millar really captured Spider-Man really well and gave a very enjoyable story that didn't make me want to puke or vomit. Which is really hard with Spider-Man now of days. I am not a fan of Straczynski's Spider-Man. Heck the only reason I get Amazing and Spectacular(which is over) is because they are Spider-Man. Probably the same reason why most X-Men comic are picked up. However I find this seris to be pretty good. I give MK SM 1-12 a very big Awwww. Now 13 and 14 are a little different. Reginald Hudlin takes over and all of a sudden Peter Parker is a whiney jealous jerk. Maybe I have not read enough comics but how would Peter know about Wolverine and Cyclops? Is taht common knowledge? I give 13 a ehh and 14 a yea. I did like 14 a little more, but yea.
Daredevil 71-73It is hard for me to recommend these comics because Daredevil isn't actually in them. He is more being talked about by a how did daredevil affect my life group. They were ok. I give them an ehhh. I would probably never read them again unless I had to. Don't know why I would have to.
The Amazing Spider-Man 517-519Ends Skin Deep. It is ok. 519 move into the avengers house. That was fun. Ehhh
The SPectacular Spider-Man 26-27Sins remembered, sucks. I didn't like this one really. It was so cliche and crappy and I just didn't like it. Happy this is over so I don't have to think about cancelling. Why didn't I get Y's The Last Man? That one is supposed to be good. I give 26 a nah. 27 is a little better. It is kind of heart felt and a little creepy. Peter talking to Uncle Ben and all. Decent send of to a below average comic book. I give that an ehhh
Ultimate X-Men 56-59The problem with reviewing all these at once is that there is a lot to cover and I don't want to cover that much. If I got my comics weekly and reviewed weekly this will probably go better. But I don't. Heck I didn't even review my last shipment. I didn't even finish my first. A lot happens. It is good. Read it. I give these all yeas.
GLA 1-2A nice little 4 part series. Very silly. Kind of sad. Pretty funny. I have enjoyed reading them so far. Go GLA. I give these yeas.
The New Avengers 4-5Ever read a comic and laugh? I did a lot when reading the New Avengers. A lot of people hate Bendis, but I do believe he really knows Spider-Man. Not that I really know Spider-Man. He is just really funny in these books. They are really good. Can anyone explain to me what exactly Spider-Woman's powers are? Jessica Drew has a nice butt :). I give these a big Awwwwww.
The New Thunderbolts 6-8I like these because I like the characters. I like the turmoil. I like them. Well 7 had really weird artwork. I guess it looked neat, but just wasn't comic like. I give these a yea.
Hellsing Volume 6With a job I would like to expand my Manga purchasing. I did add Exiles to my pull list, however that has little to nothing to do with Hellsing. This manga is bloody. This manga rocks. It has a strong female lead. That should make it so the lesbians love this book. Plus a lot of guys die as well. Man haters everywhere would love this book. It is very enjoyable I thought. The art was delicous. The action was great. The story seemed to have even more plot than previous volumes. When the 2nd part of the Anime finally gets made, it will be very enjoyable. Vampire Nazi's Must die. I give this a Awwww.
Comics leftBlade of the Immortal 99-101, Cable and Deadpool 13-15, Ultimate Nightmare 5 of 5, Ultimate Secret 1-2, and Black (not as good as the original series that I wish was never cancelled or changed to that crappy priest guy that I guess some people liked) Pather 2-3. I wonder if I am going to write a review for these. I kind of doubt it.
I wonder how good House of M is going to be.
Other Non Comic thingsUmm I don't know. I have thoughts. I just forget them. I guess no one will ever know. I don't even know right now. Sorry this will just be a comic blog.
Random Thought of the DayIt should be random thought of the week.