Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tiki Tiki Tavi Dating

Ok so that isn't an interesting title. Eff you and your mother. Yes I mean it. Your mother to you jerk making fun of my stupid title. Jerk. JERK!

8 minutes of dates
Ok it is that time again to write another speed dating thing. I know I know I went on one last week. Well last weeks suck and I am doing it again. Well I did sign up and pay for this over a month ago. A theory was proven to me. The venue is very important. I didn't think of this when I originally started in December however it makes sense. The venue does the advertising and that is mostly the people who would go. People who go out already. At least for the girls. I imagine that a lot of the guys are like me, just found it on the internet. Such a difference. Would dicotomy work there? Is that how you spell that word? Most of the guys are in software. Probably half work in microsoft. Also a good number of them are from India. So basically if you want to go to a fun place go to Speed Dating at Tiki Bobs. The women were great. Everytime I go there there is always one I want to hook up with my friends. So here are the ladies.

ILSE102: This one is always the most hard. The first one of the night. She was a blonde like most of the women there. Holy crap, blonde city. She seemed tall. She went to Sehome. I should of asked her about the rock of impaling. She probably doesn't call it that. She went to school in Spokane. That is all I remember. I remember mostly details no feelings. No connection with this one. I would be really surprised if she matches with me.

Anna112:This was by far my most intereting conversation. See there were these stupid bingo things that caused me to win a stupid shirt. They had stupid questions on it so one of the questions where, "Did you vote for Kerry?" Well I asked this girl and we talked about politics the entire 8 minutes. I have no idea anything about this girl but the fact that she is blonde and we share a lot of the same political views. She is also blonde. A cute little girl. I am probably 3 of her.

Kristin100: This girl was fun to talk to. And blonde. I did not notice that till now. So many freaking blondes. Well I like blondes so it isn't that bad. She was an interesting person. Worked for child development. Well fund raising. Her job is to throw parties. Isn't that cool. She was a taller blonde. Crap can't really remember much. I believe she said 8 minutes were not enough. If there was a vote for most likly to match with me, I would vote for her. Unless the next girl was not just kind of flirty. The best part about this conversation is when she said that girls numbers were easier to remember because they are just 100 and 101 and 102. Then I mentioned that guys are just the same but with a 9. That got a laugh and a duh look.

Janna109: Now this girl was interesting. She did the flirting things. I wonder if she took a class or just knew. She had a loud laugh and laughed often. Another fun to talk to. All the girls were really. Man that is the problem, should bring a recorder because I barely remember her now. Just her laugh and her smile and she is fun. I guess that is all I look for so that is all I remember.

Jessie113: If I were to vote for most interesting girl, Jessie would win. Holy crap she went to highschool in Kenya. I did mention how it is weird since I don't think of Kenya having highschools. I also mentioned Jessie's girl. It turns out I wasn't original. Shows what I know. Freaking Kenya. She taught english in Thailand. She freaking lived all around the world. She likes Washington though. I also know that she is 23 and never heard of Jessie's girl. Stupid girl making me feel old.

Annie106: She is a teacher from seatac. So we talked mostly about that. She had the biggest boobs of everyone I talked to. So she would be voted most likely to have the biggest boobs. This was an ok conversation. She was cool.

Brook105: This was a decent conversation that ended too quickly. This was the girl who said 8 minutes was not enough. She would get second most likely to match with me. She was a nice girl with a good laugh. A blonde as well to make it a good 50 not blonde 50 blonde if talking with percentage. She had curly hair. We talked about our evening. Told her of my horror stories of the last 8 minute date, which freaking sucked and why it did. The fun of the first speed dating. She was fun to talk to.

Gretchen101: Holy crap, and the vote for most intense goes to Gretchen. Wow. This girl was straight to the point. The questions were quick. She was intense. She was intense. She likes jazz. She asked me what my favorite movie was, I replied Spaceballs, that got a big laugh. it is an awesome movie. Her favorite was so I married an axe murderer. I will have to say I want this girl as a friend so I could hook her up with Rick. She likes jazz. I told her I had a jazz friend. If we match as friends, I am going to give Rick the hook up. He needs an intense pushy girl. I imagine this girl will just push you into bed and then demand you take your pants off. Rick needs that.


In closing I am proud of myself. I think this is the best I have ever done at speed dating. Probably because I truly didn't care if I had a match. I do doubt I will ever see any of these women again. I don't really care. They were all neat, I wouldn't mind it. There was no Jill like the first time. Still a little disappointed that she didn't put down her right information or e-mailed me back. Not hung up or anything stupid like that. So far I am batting 3 out of 23 which is pretty bad. Didn't even message back the last one I matched with.

Random Thought of the Day So I told my girlfriend that I wanted to **** her between the tits. She said, "How is that going to be enjoyable to me?" I said, "When I am done I will stop punching you in the face."

- Doug Stanhope

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hurry please hurry

I am stupid. I got my cell phone smashed. Must of dropped out of my pocket when I was on my way to speed dating and then got ran over by a car. I odn't know my account number. I don't know anything. I need a new phone. I am sad about that. Well not too sad. Gives me an excuse to waste money on a new cell phone. It will be annoying putting all those numbers back. All those ladies. ha ha haha. I dissed myself.

*yawn* Must finish or I will never remember.

Hurry Date VERSUS 8minutedating
If you read my blog you know I have done 8minutedating. Well to try something different I tried one called hurry date. Well first I will tell you to never do hurrydate. I ordered this date about 2 months ago and the original one was cancelled. Well thinking that this one might be full after months of cancellations there were 7 women and 11 men. Also in 8minutedates your seating arrangement is random. This allows you to be NOT next to roomates (which girls always travel in 2s) and to not be by the same guy. Why is that a problem? Well the dates tend to mix when you are buy the same guy. He can kind of hear you and you can kind of hear him and it is almost like mixing dates. Mostly since the guy who I was next too was a guy who I haven't seen since highschool. Which is always weird seeing a guy you haven't seen since highschool at a speed dating. Small world I guess.

Also I heard it is hard to get your money back after a cancellation. So I just think you should stick with 8minutedating. I am doing one next week. I could probably get you in if you are female.

The main event

I am going to try to keep this in order. You are given a number by when you arrived and that is how it works. Which means that my card is in the order of the women that arrived and not of when I met them. So this will be a little harder to keep them in order.

Cara #1. This one is easy to get in order because she was the first one I talked to. She is awesome. A real people person. She loves wine. I was off on this conversation. I will be surprised if I get a match with her or her friend. But she was really nice and attractive. She is a southern belle from florida. I should of asked her if she was a Dolphin fan. Grrr.

Meaghan #7 I should of done this right when I went home. I don't remember much about her. Oh yea, she lives in west seattle, however close to white center. Told scary stories of living in the ghetto. Like someone walking up to her house and saying he was blind and needed a dollar. She seemed fun.

Amelia #6
She is a cutie. The roomate of Meaghan. Did a lot of talking to her through looks and laughing when I was near them. She offered me one of her quesdillas. I took one and she said I passed her test. She seemed like a nice girl. Holy crap, I am tired i just can't remember. Probably too much worrying about my stupid cell phone.

Sarah #3 If I would just pick one to like me I would pick this one. She was fun to talk to. Funny I can't remember what we talked about, all I remember is fun. She is also pretty. Wow, I don't know why I can't remember.

Kati #4 If I were to pick any girl for Mike this would be the one. She seemed creative and fun to hang around. Pretty enough. I mean she isn't super hot or anything but she is pretty. She was also fun to talk to. I wish I took more notes. My notes for her. "Fun. Black hair." I do remember one thing (her roomate was Sarah :)). When I saw her name I said, "Ooo kati with an i"> Then she said, "So far everyone has said that." Then I said, "That is because we are so original." That got a laugh out of her and her roomate. It is not very funny. I know.

Kate #5 This one didn't go well at all. First she talked to her roomate for the first 2 minutes. I kind of wish it lasted the entire 5. Because the next 3 minutes were BRUTAL!! Holy crap I never done so bad. I think I even did better with the woman murder joke. Basically I learned she was trying to be a psychatrist. I don't care about spelling, eff off. Well I mentioned how this evening could be extra fun due to the fact that she could be well interested in people and how they do things since you know that is her field. Apperently that was a HUGE button that she didn't want pressed. Made it seem like I thought she could tell my hole life story by our first minute together. Her exact words is "People think we have super powers". I was like wow. I know I am kind of an amateur psychologist and I found it intersting and thought it could lead to an interesting conversation. What it did lead to was silence. Stupid question to break the silence and then more silence. Worst 2 minutes of speed dating ever. Well the stupid mexico bitch was worse.


Since there was more men then women I had a 10 minute break. Well the best part about this break is the fact that the guy I went to highschool with actually got into an arguement with the girl. Well Cara had to move so there wasn't a 15 minute break for the guys. So cara was now in a new spot. My ex-PE mate was convinced that they had a date before. "they hadn't". So their first 3 minutes was actually a pretty heated debate on if they talked before. Cara being the sweetheart that she is didn't get mad at all. What a girl. Well after she finally convinced him that they didn't have a 5 minute date before he back down and said, "Well were can we go from here". I said "You can only go up." She said, "Nowhere."

She was the roomate of Cara. She is awesome too. A lot of just awesome women at this event. Like ones I would love to be friends with. This girl was very fun to talk to. Very easy to talk to. Like all speed dating events most of the talk was this event. Learned that her entire family was tall. I didn't want to stop talking to her.

That was fun, I am tired. Doubt I will get a match. There are 4 I would really want to talk to again to at least befriend.

Random Thought of the Day
Stupid life. Car. Phone. Bills. It never ends.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sugar on my tongue tongue, yippy yippy yum yum

Well today is a good day kind of. I made the mistake of getting hotter peppers and my stomach has been in pain all day. Killed my work out. Oh well. I do have some good news for me.

Weight Loss
Well I started to be serious about my diet just about a month ago. I will explain it more later. In the first four weeks I lost some inches on my body and I was kind of happy that I lost 5 pounds. My goal was 6 since I am trying to lose about 1.5 pounds a week. Well being 297 still wasn't anything to scoff at because I weighed less and I felt I was a pretty solid 297. My weight rarely got over 299 when I drank a little to much or ate a little too much. Sunday I was kind of bad. I ate 20 hot wings and an omlete which was very ogod and weighed in about 297.8 on monday. Not bad for a bad weekend. I was happy. Well this morning I weighed in at 295.4. I was very happy about this. Especially since my goal for saturday was 295.5. Which means I am now closer to my original goal which would of been 294.5. Hopefully I can make that by saturday.

My "Diet"
I have been meaning to do this for about a month now. Well just over a month ago I began to read this horribly written, really long book called. Ultimate Diet Secrets by Dr. Ellis. Even though he is very boastful and repeats himself over and over and over and over again, really should of listened to his editors about cutting down the pages. The book is amazing. One thing the book has is passion and knowledge. More studies then you can shake a stick at. If you like to have studies and science describe why you should eat and work out. If you like having a guy who really struggled with his weight and tried everything. He was his greatest experiment. Then this is the book for you. I highly recommend reading it. I will give you the gist of it.

1. The law of thermodynamics. Basically your body can only burn the energy you put into it. If you eat 3000 calories and your body burns 3000 calories you will not lose a pound. Your body does not create energy out of nothing. Plus he explains that thin people do not waste calories.

2. Fat does not make you fat. The correlation between high cholestorol diets and fat diets and heart disease and high cholesterol doesn't really exist. The numbers have been fudged. Especially in Japan where it is honorable to die of a brain anerism. Which really skewed the data. Plus another way data is skewed is this thing called risk factor. Even with the Japanese skewed data, if your doctor told you that if you eat a lot of fat and cholesterol your chances of dieing of a heart attack increase about .65 percent. I believe you would laugh at your doctor and eat a burger. However if your doctor told you that you were 14 times more likely to have a heart attack, you will be kind of scared.

3. This really got me thinking about fats. (he also mentions) that we live in a soceity that eats less fat then it has ever done before and we are fatter than ever. You would think heart disease would go down, however it hasn't. You would think fat would go down, however it hasn't. Well think about why we are fat. People are fat because of the fact that the body eats more calories than it needs. Instead of getting rid of these calories the body stores them as fat. The body uses the calories as energy. So that makes fat stored energy. When I eat fat it doesn't turn directly into fat. It is broken down so I can use it as energy. It is when I eat too much fat that that energy is turned back into fat.

4. Carbs turn into fat. When you eat carbs they are turned into fat and then your body uses them as energy. When you eat protien your body uses that to rebuild muscles. When you eat fat your body uses them as energy. In fact fat is the prefered energy for your muscles. Which is one of the reasons that a high fat high carb diet is bad for you. While your body is converting the carbs into fat, the fat remains in your body and eventually turn into fats as well. He explains it MUCH better. Which explains why you can eat something like pizza and still feel really hungry. Also explains why you are hungry after chinese food.

5. He also explains why the worst type of diet is high in carbs and high in fats. Which is also one of the main problems with most studies on high fat diets is because most of the studies do not restrict carbs. He also explains why a high carb diet low fat diet is not really good for losing weight when you use high density calorie carb food. Like eating two candy bars. It is really easy to eat a third and that is like 900 calories. He explains that if you don't want to do the high fat diet that you should eat low density carb food.

6. He explains why a lot of Atkins people fail. According to him Atkins works because it is hard to eat a lot of calories when you are eating just fats and protien. Which is true. Try eating 10 candy bars, try eating 10 chicken breasts. Candy bars would be easier if it wasn't for the sick feeling(I know i hate nutty bars all day once.) In fact the candy bars would probably have at least 1000 more calories than the chicken breasts and the 10 chicken breasts would actually not be 2000 calories combined. However two big reasons why it fails. It is HARD to restrict yourself that many carbs at once. Ellis stresses moderation and slowly cutting carbs. That makes it easier on the body and yourself. Another reason is because the people get to the point where their body is burning the amount of calories that they are eating. So they reach the plateau. Basically which is why when you reach a plateau it is good to check how many calories you are burning and how many you are eating and change it so you are doing less.

7. I could write a lot. It had a lot of great information. Another thing he talks about is why starvation diets fail and are really bad for you. Basically starvation diets put your body in a state of starvation. This does a few things. Number one it slows down your metabolism. Who wants that. Another thing it does is it makes your mind mind want to return to its original weight. It thinks something horrible has happened and you are not getting enough food. Eventually you will get depressed and put the weight back on. Because your body wants to. Your body also has two weight memories. Your lean body mass and your fat mass. It wants both of them back. So basically as you are gaining the weight back, you return to your fat mass quicker. However it still wants to increase your lean body mass, so that means more food than you burn so you gain more fat. Which is why you gain more FAT when you starve yourself. I know I have experienced this.

Well I think I posted enough on this guys book without him wanting to sue me. I really enjoyed it and a lot of it made a lot of sense in my life. Also remember that trans fats are still bad for you. I used to love margerine and that could be why I die an early death if I do. So I highly sugguest paying the 80 bucks for the book and reading it. I would suggest getting the light version with all the facts if you are male. If you are female i think you would get a lot out of reading the guys struggle and his life.

Miami Dolphins
Miami Dolphins have made some moves. First they signed a cornerback I never heard of but should fit Saban's system. Then they signed LJ Shelton, which should really help their line. Then they signed Sedrick Hodge who is a big fast guy who if he lives up to his big fastness could be huge. Then they traded for a little known quarterback named Daunte Culpepper. Yes DAUNTE CULPEPPER. If his knee heals, Miami is a superbowl threat next year. Holy crap I can't believe they pulled that off only for a second round pick.

Random Thought of the day

Don't eat little peppers.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Two posts in one week, what is this Christmas?

No, its our anniversary. ha ha ha, take that Kerry. It is the second thursday of the month that means it is monthly what I am happy about day. The day where I think of 20 things that I am happy about my life. Last time was fun. This time will be fun. Well for me. You probably just skim through it looking for your name or something. Who reads these things anyways. I mean actually reads them. Who cares what makes me happy. Well I do, so go eff off. He he he, that took a harsh turn. Well here we go.

20 Things that make me happy in my life.

1. NFL signed a new fucking C Fucking B fucking A fucking. That makes me so fucking happy. That has worried for weeks. It is like weight lifted off my shoulders. I know it shouldn't affect me at all but it does. I am very happy.

2. My diet has been good for about a month. This is week four. Saturday is the measuring day. I am not expecting anything amazing. I am just happy that I have stuck with it for that long.

3. Exercising is getting easier. The step class is so much fun. I can bend me knees better in squats. Just thinking of where I was when I started in August and how I felt about my health, I am much better now.

4. Going to Vegas to see my sister. That makes me happy. I know I will have a good time even if I just chill in her apartment for 11 days playing board games. I love my sister

5. Cheese. Cheese tastes good.

6. One Piece. That is an amazing anime. I have watched 258 episodes of One Piece and I am not sick of it at all. I am kind of sick of anime. I haven't really watched it much anymore.

7. After this week I will be out of credit card debt. I never thought I would say that.

8. I have cool friends. I like them. Plus hanging out with the newer non highschool/college friends of Lisa, Katie, Beth, Travis, and Ben. They are all amazing people that I am happy to have in my life.

9. Meditation. I have done that for over a month. I know it sounds like mumbo jumbo, however I do feel better afterwards. The weirdest thing is after the red medition I do want to eat healthier. After the yellow I feel better about myself. After the Green I just want to hug everyone. The green is the weirdest because that is not me. I just feel so open after meditating the heart chakra. It might not have anything to do with energy and might just be a placebo, but I feel better. So who cares? Give me those flour pills.

10. High fat/low carb diet. If Dr. Ellis is right and I am not eating myself into an early grave due to high cholesterol I feel great. It is very easy to follow due to the fact that I LOVE MEAT. I eat almost less than 1000 calories than I burn in a day without working out and I am not hungry. Well I am a little. However not that starving feeling.

11. Boobs. Boobs make me happy. If you are a girl show me your boobs. You will make me happy.

12. Galactic Conquest II. That is fun. I want to play it right now.

13. Comic books. I might be quitting after Spider-Girl is cancelled however I am enjoying them now.

14. Cell phones. I know I mostly use mine as an alarm clock, but still. They make life easier.

15. Napster. Having a napster account rocks for work. I get to listen to Jim Gaffigan, Mitch Fatel, David Cross, Lewis Black, Bobcat, Eddie Izzard, Doug Stanhope, Bill Engvall, Mitch Hedberg, and many other stand up comics while working. And when I feel like it I can listen to music. Dust in the wind. All we are are dust in the wind.

16. Mt. Ranier has yet to erupt. Man that would suck.

17. Everyone I know is healthy. How can that just not make you feel good when you think about it?

18. I love my computer. It is sweet. I do want a new one. I still love this one.

19. Katie's birthday party. That was a lot of fun. It made me happy.

20. Calenders. Think how much life would suck without calenders.

It is hard to try to think of 20 different things than last month. I wonder how well I did. Well not to hard, just hard to make it personal. I mean a lot of weird random things make me happy.

Random Thought of The Day
I think I figured out what Sugar on my Tongue mean. That is a dirty dirty song.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

So far away

Urg, so not close and yet so far away. At least I am doing stuff. Basically from DYD I learned that for everything you do that causes anxiety you earn confidence. Today I did three. For some reason I only remember two. Oh yea, I remember the third. Well the three things I did to gain some confidence is.

In something I never thought I would do, is book a flight to Vegas. I am going to see my sister for 11 days. I don't know how I am going to pay for everything once I get there. I don't know what I am going to pack my stuff in. I don't know what I am going to do other than hang with my sis. The thought of doing something like that is kind of scary. Mostly since I will be unemployed when I start my trip. I should have enough money, especially if I get money for me car.

Well I did something I didn't really want to do and called today to figure out what was wrong about fixing my car. Well it turns out All state was just lolly gagging and now I have an appointment for next Thursday to see what is up. That is going to be fun. What was is the word for opposite of fun? Unfunnity? Works for me

Flirting 202
By far the most scary thing I did today was go to a Flirting 202 class put on by the professional dater. I would like to say that the first thing I learned was that kissing a fool is a remake. I did not know that. Sounded like Frank Sinatra, who knew? Well someone must of.

Well the night started off like I thought it would, more guys than girls. That has been my experience lately with things of this nature. Then the thing started. First it started by some lecture. Which was interesting. I don't think I remember too much of it. Something about trying and being proactive. Alma is pretty cool, it is just hard to remember what she says. It is like David Dieda talks about. Then the first exercise was giving everyone a handshake. I am strong so I worry about hurting hands. She told me to be a little stronger. It is the first thing I learned. Then we did this exercise where we stared at people. Just lined up in a row and stared in each other's eyes. This was easy for me because I like to make people feel uncomfortable by staring in their eyes. Probably looked creepy. I wish I knew if I came off creepy.

The next one was walking up and giving out a card. Being proactive and not saying to much. I pretty much said, hi, coffee. Thought it would get a laugh. It did. It was interesting to see people do this. Learn what to do and what not to do.

The next was getting into a line and hugging. It was interesting this one. Hugging is easy, especially if you are not attracted to the person or they are more nervous than me. Hugging the professional dater made me nervous because she is attractive and is not nervous at all. It is hard to be dominate. The rest were easy. One of the interesting things I learned at this point was the person who acted like the most outgoing (and even stated it) seemed to me to be the person who actually was the least open. She was outgoing because that is her job, however she seemed to me to be very closed. She was very uncomfortable about the hugging. I found it very interesting. Kind of a dog with the largest bark thing. I also know I am a good hugger. People have given me pointers through out my life. I listen :).

Another exercise was standing front to back and touching the other person's back sensuously. However you spell that word. Eff you spell check. I am a regular Jim Gaffigan. This one was ok. I mean it is easy when they know you are doing this.

Now it starts to get hard for me. I think at this point there was more lecture about being open and stuff. Man it is hard for me to remember because part of me just wants to forget. The next exercise was standing in a line and doing a working it down a straight line. This one I started to feel my outgoing quotient to be filling up. I did my walk in front of everyone.

The next one was back to back in a phone call type situation. I did so poorly. I cannot think of anything to say. The first girl I did try to push the button and ask her what kind of panties did she wear. I did this for myself mostly. Because asking that question scared the hell out of me. And it did, and after that I was done. I was ready to go home. I couldn't do it anymore. That tipped all my confidence and out going to the edge and I was spent. Well the rest of the conversation was a little awkward. Then I got the professional dater. Which was an abortion of a conversation. I couldn't think of anything at all to say. This one was even worse. Said some stupid things, got told how stupid those things were in front of the class. I knew they were. I just couldn't think of anything.

The final one was just was just sitting in a chair and flirting back and flirting back and forth. This one was actually easier because I got to read body language. Plus the first one was with the other professional dater and she was easy to talk to. The second one we talked about toys and I could do that all day.

Well that was 2 hours and 40 minutes long. By the end I felt dirty and ashamed and I wanted to go home. I hate that feeling so much. I just want to wrap myself up in a cocoon and never come out. It is hard trying to change one self to be more outgoing. It is like I have a gas gauge and everything I do just takes away. When it is empty I just want to hide so I can fill it up again. Well the last 40 minutes I was done. I do realize that I need to change this feeling of crappiness into a feeling of fun. That is going to take time. I just hate how long it is going to take. At least I gave myself until I was 30 to figure it out. 3 years is a good enough time to change a lot of who I am. All in all it was a good experience. Unfortunately it would probably take about a 3 credit quarter work of this class for it to actually make a big difference in my life. Since it was so scary and I did put myself out there more than I usually do, it did build some confidence. I will just feel it tomorrow.

I will say this. One thing I disagree with Alma about is that she kept on mentioning the one. I don't believe in the one at all. I think that leads to unreal expectations and could lead to what the people at the seduction website calls onitis. That has never lead me down a good road. I believe there are many the ones. I just have to find one of them.

Random Thought of the Day

Fire bad!